There are many ways our parish serves our surrounding communities. Whether you're looking for community service hours or just like pitching in, we have something for everyone. For more information contact Brittany Denver via the form on our staff page or by phone at 248-693-0440 ext. 212.
serve in a Companion Ministry
St. Vincent de Paul Society: Counsels the poor and helps with rent, utility, gas and grocery bills. Call 248-693-0440 ext. 223 if you would like to serve.
serve monthly
Boughs of Blessings
A monthly “giving tree” to collect donations for local agencies.
Welcome Desk
A Sunday ministry which welcomes and serves after each Mass.
Tender Loving Cookers
Prepare and deliver meals to homebound parishioners, needy families or families facing physical or emotional hardships in the Lake Orion and Oxford Area. Volunteers usually cook once per month. If this ministry sounds right for you, contact Brittany Denver via the form on our staff page or by phone at 248-693-0440, ext. 212.
Community Free Meals Ministry
One day every week a group of volunteers’ shops, prepares cooks and serves dinner to folks in our community, no questions asked! If this ministry sounds right for you, contact Brittany Denver via the form on our staff page or by phone at 248-693-0440, ext. 212.
Funeral Luncheon Cookers
This is one of the most appreciated services we provide. Grieving families are always touched by gifts of home cooking at funeral luncheons. It is a great way to show love and compassion to our parishioners in their greatest time of need. Volunteers serve once per month by preparing a home-cooked pasta or hot veggie dish, salad or dessert and delivering it to the church the morning of the funeral. If this ministry sounds right for you, contact Brittany Denver via the form on our staff page or by phone at 248-693-0440, ext. 212.
Senior Coffee
Bake for this monthly gathering of our senior citizens after 9 a.m. Mass.
Fish Food Collection
Donate monthly to our community food pantry. See the donation bucket in Marian Hall.
Fish Pantry Volunteer
Our local food pantry is always looking for volunteers to meet with clients or serve in the little grocery store where clients come monthly to shop for free. Call 248-628-3933 for ways to serve.
Love In the Name of Christ
We are a member of this clearing house of area churches that has come together to serve those in need in our community. Call 248-693-4357 for more info.
serve annually
Hope Adult Shelter
Serve the homeless in Pontiac each year during Lent.
Extreme Home Makeover
Fall home make over project that serves a parish family.
Adopt A Family
Our parish Christmas gift adoption program.
Giving Tree
Help a local agency or church to provide gifts for those they serve.
40 Days for Life
Help to protect the dignity of every life through the efforts of this ministry.
St. Vincent de Paul Clothing Drive
Clean out your closets and donate your gently used clothes.
Blood Drive
Through the American Red Cross, donate blood to save a life.
Senior Bingo
3 times per year, make soup for this fun afternoon event.
Crop Walk for Hunger
Held annually in the spring, walk to raise money and awareness on hunger.