Baby gift drop off shower - all gifts will be donated to the Oxford Pregnancy Center. The Lifespan Baby Shower will take place in conjunction with St. Joseph Church and our Gospel of Life Ministry.
Lifespan’s 35th Annual Baby Shower to benefit local Pregnancy Help Centers will be held after ALL Masses in Marian Hall. At least 30 Churches are participating this year across the Metro Detroit area. The Baby Shower here at St. Joe’s Church accepts new baby items and monetary donations that go directly to benefit the Oxford Pregnancy Center. Please make any checks payable to: Oxford Pregnancy Center. This is a great way for God’s pro-life people to serve mothers and babies in need of financial assistance. Through such a loving approach, we will overcome the powers of evil in God’s time!
Baby items especially needed are: both boys and girls winter & spring clothing, size 6-9 months, diapers, currently sizes: newborn, 5 & 6, diaper wipes, baby monitors, first aid kits and baby socks. Also, gift bag items for babies: newborn hats, booties, bibs, receiving blankets and newborn & 3 month onesies. Gift bag items for new moms: water bottles, small travel tissues, 3 or 4 pc travel sets: shampoo, conditioner, body wash, lotion, cleansing wipes, Chapstick, mints, hair ties, footies, Band-Aids, toothbrushes & toothpaste and hand lotion. Thanks in advance for whatever you can provide!